Limestone County NAACP offers an array of youth programming:
Reading Rocks
Limestone County NAACP Reading Program, Students Taking Excellence Personally=Success (STEPS), a local grassroots, year long Reading Program/Book Club for students 3 to13 years old. STEPS inspire, challenge, and motivate students to read. Students who may not enjoy reading are motivated to read and students who already enjoy reading are given the opportunity to showcase their enjoyment and improve their skills.
MLK Essay/ Art Contest Competition
MLK MLK Essay/Oratorical Competition sponsored by the Limestone County NAACP, City of Athens, and Limestone County Commission designed to develop speaking and confidence skills of students. Competition sponsored by the Limestone County NAACP, City of Athens, and Limestone County Commission designed to develop writing and art work confidence skills of students.
Limestone County NAACP offers Scholarships to high school seniors who have been accepted to college.
Funds raised go directly to our many Educational Youth Programs. The Limestone County NAACP understands the importance of preparing students today for future success. Therefore, we offer a variety of free Programming for students to include our STEPS Reading Program, Annual Scholarship Program, ACT-SO, a national competitive Academic Olympics, and our MLK Annual essay contest.
The success of our Classic is credited largely to sponsors and others who lend their names and financial support to our event. By participating as a sponsor, organizations will benefit from extended exposure through media campaigns directed toward the supporters of the Limestone County NAACP. Several levels of sponsorship are available.