Political Action

Hear Us Roar, as we VOTE in 2024!


Some of us not only have a right to vote, we have an obligation to vote. We must not disrespect nor dishonor those who greatly sacrificed, and some who gave their lives for our right to vote.

We must resolve to vote more so than ever in this era of ramped up ,intense voter suppression laws and maps. We cannot give up on our vote. If we give up on our vote, we assist in the efforts to suppress our vote.

We have work to do. We have to register those who are not registered. We have to help more people get their right to vote back. We have to help more people who need to vote absentee to do so. We have to listen to what issues are important to our people, and help them to understand that their vote is their voice.



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District Maps

Let us know if you will Volunteer today to make a difference tomorrow in the 2024 elections.


Stop thinking you can not vote because you are an ex-felon. For help, click below:


Stop thinking you can not vote because you are an ex-felon.

For help, click below: