Reading Rocks!
Limestone County NAACP Reading Program, Students Taking Excellence Personally=Success (STEPS), a local grassroots, year long Reading Program/Book Club for students 3 to13 years old. STEPS inspire, challenge, and motivate students to read. Students who may not enjoy reading are motivated to read and students who already enjoy reading are given the opportunity to showcase their enjoyment and improve their skills.
In 2005 Mrs. Georgia Nichols, Mrs. Sharron Woods, and Ms. Diane Steele, the Education Committee of the NAACP were determined to work with the very youngest students in the North Alabama area in an attempt to bridge the reading gap. The Committee decided to have a book club for kids.
After much planning, the kick off Program for STEPS was held in January 2006. Community announcements went out. Elrod- Athens High School mascot greeted everyone, alone with the Grace Missionary Baptist Youth. Clements Elementary third grade presented musical fun, and Author & Pastor Sam Wright did Story Time. Parents registered their children for the Program, and STEPS was officially started.
STEPS continues to assign books to children to read and provide a place for students to come and improve reading, writing, and comprehension skills monthly. Down through the years many students have attended STEPS sessions. Many students have become volunteers for STEPS. Documentation shows that all students who have attended STEPS have gone on to complete high school, and many have attended and completed postsecondary educational opportunities. STEPS students are all over the US, and some have traveled abroad, they are working in various industries and are very productive people.
Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. We are always looking to bring more retired and certified teachers on board. Some volunteerism can be done from home. Volunteers needed range from grant writers to shoppers.
Book donations are only being accepted for multicultural, race, ethnic conscience books, to include those that are currently banned in some schools.
If you would like to donate financially to a wonderful cause, click here.
The Limestone County Education Fundraiser – Annual Golf Scramble proceeds go to support the STEPS Reading Club.